Friday, October 30, 2009

To Be "Missional"

The following was gleaned from the Berean Missional Church located in St. Paul. I thought their concept of missions was good so I'll pass it along. I especially like their emphasis upon a " away from our personal interest and toward others."

The term "Missional" refers to a God-centered, holistic understanding of the Great Commission. This idea is also seen in Christ's charge to His disciples: ". . . As the Father has sent me, I also send you" (John 20:21b). The implications of the mission's mandate for us are derived directly from the Trinitarian nature of God - Jesus sends us just as the Father sent Him (John 20:21-22). This emphasis causes Missional church members to see the church corporately and each individual as the instrument to fulfill God's mission.

As an example, the "Missional" church will embrace an understanding of participating in the mission of God as a call for every individual Christian to leave their place of security, and to travel to the place where others are. Missions, then, is always in the direction of the other, and away from ourselves. Some may take the imperative "Go" (Matt. 28:19) as a call to go overseas. Others may see the full God-centered "Missional" implication in that it is a call to "Go" to those in their own societies and overseas. In any event, it is a call away from our personal interests and toward others. The leaders of Berean Missional Church understand that our purpose is not to rework programs, but to rediscover our mission as the body of Christ. In short, we must become "Missional."

From the BMC website located at :

posted by john d.

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