Saturday, January 17, 2009

New Year's Eve

I'm feeling a little better now so I thought I'd update you on our New Years Eve event held at the church.

We had a very good turn-out with some new faces and some that haven't visited for a while. Our special event of the night began with the showing of a new video on Pilgrim's Progress. It is a modernized version, which gave me some trepidation earlier, but was well done. Bunyan could certainly drive home spiritual truth with his allegorical characters. Some guests had to leave immediately after the showing and we hope to follow up with them. The remainder enjoyed some table and group games with numerous snacks and treats. My wife and I left shortly before midnight (that's the longest I've stayed up for years). The pastor and his family stayed the night as did several others. My wife and I met them at the church the next morning for a Brianna breakfast (pancakes, sausages, farm fresh eggs, etc. prepared by one of the young ladies who attend church). She did a very good job.

All-in-all I think everyone had a good time. I know I did.

For me personally New Years Day holds a special place on my calendar as I mark my conversion from that day in 1977. That day was a culmination of many providential events leading up to me repenting of my sin and placing my trust and my life in The Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, and I've never looked back.

To you who know the Lord, continue on the narrow path as with those other pilgrims who have went before us and continue with us. To you who have not repented and placed your life in the Lord Jesus eternity in hell waits for you unless you find the Savior. Ask, seek, knock (Matthew 7:7ff).

And by the way,

Happy New Year!

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